Privacy Policy


The publisher of the site is the Moroccan company FIGES – Mernissi, based in Casablanca, Morocco.

Address of the head office : 190 boulevard d’Anfa 20050, Casablanca, Morocco
Contact information :
Email :
Phone : +212 (0) 05 22 95 01 19

The website is hosted by the company HOSTINGER.

What kind of data do we collect?

Name, First Name, Full Postal Address, Phone and Email.

Geolocation, IP, Cookie.

Why do we collect this information?

The information Name, First name, Telephone and E-mail are necessary to answer your requests made via our contact forms.

E-mail addresses are also collected with the consent of our users, to enable us to send them our advertisements or those of our partners.

The IP address of all our visitors is recorded in order to identify possible malicious users and fraudsters.

Cookies are installed on your computer by the website in order to improve your user experience on it.
For example, thanks to cookies, you will be able to connect to your customer area without having to re-enter your password.
These cookies also allow us to carry out advertising targeting.


Geolocation is enabled for statistical and market research purposes.

Who has access to this information?

The staff of has access to your information in a private and secure administration by user account and password to prepare and track your orders.
The following subcontractors also have access to our administration for maintenance purposes :
The web agency Major Media based in Morocco, in Agadir.
The company hosting the website, HOSTINGER.

More information :

The other information (Name, First name, Telephone) are not shared with third parties.

How can I consult, rectify or delete my data?

For any modification or deletion of your data, do not hesitate to contact us by email on or by using our contact forms.