Energy and Infrastructure
Our firm has developed a well-recognised expertise in the development of conventional and renewable electricity generation projects on behalf of public and private operators as well as lenders.

and Infrastructure
and Infrastructure
Energy and Natural Resources
For more than 25 years, our firm has been involved in the development of major projects in the energy sector, having participated in the first electricity production project entrusted to a private operator in the form of an IPP (Independent Power Producer) as well as in the first projects carried out under the aegis of Law No. 13-09 on renewable energy.
Our firm has developed a well-recognised expertise in the development of conventional and renewable electricity generation projects on behalf of public and private operators as well as lenders.
Members of our firm have also been involved in legislative reforms and strategy developments in the energy and natural resources sector.
Project finance
Our firm assists international financial institutions, development agencies, export credit agencies and Moroccan and international commercial banks as well as developers in the financing of large infrastructure and energy projects.
Our firm has developed a specific expertise in the awarding of port concessions, in particular on the occasion of the development of the port of Tanger-Med I and II as well as with the National Agency of Ports for the granting of concessions of port terminals following the liberalisation of the sector.
Desalination and Water Treatment
Our firm has been involved in seawater desalination projects for drinking water supply and irrigation and in water treatment projects in the form of public procurements and public-private partnerships.
Environment and Waste Management
Our firm assists operators on issues related to the legislative and regulatory framework concerning the environment as well as on waste management issues.
Urban public services
Our firm assists public authorities as well as private operators in the delegation of urban public services, particularly in the fields of water and electricity distribution, urban transport and waste collection and treatment. The firm has a long experience in the implementation of the transfer of the management of public services by local authorities to the private sector and has participated in the first projects of this type, including the delegation of the distribution of water and electricity for the cities of Casablanca, Rabat, Tanger and Tetouan as well as the implementation of the first tramway project in Rabat.
Our firm assists operators in with the procedures and formalities with the regulators in the context of the development of their projects in Morocco, in particular in the port, energy and telecoms sectors.
- 190, Boulevard d’Anfa 20050, Casablanca, Maroc